Board Committees

In order for the Board of Directors to carry out its functions effectively, the Board has formed the following committees:

Nominations and Rewards Committee:

Concerned with preparing recommendations for the nominations for the positions of the members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Management, as well as those relating to the policies and regulations governing the granting of compensations and remuneration. This Committee consists of 3 members of the Board of Directors, one of whom is an independent member and its chairman is a non-executive board member.

Names of Committee Members:

  • Mr. Abdullah Al-Shatti
  • Mr. Saad Bandar Al-Lafi
  • Mr. Abdullatif Ahmed Al-Senan

Audit Committee:

This committee works to consolidate the culture of commitment within the company by ensuring the safety and integrity of the financial reports of the company, as well as to ensure the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control systems applied in the company. The committee consists of 3 members of the board of directors, one of whom is the independent member and not including the Chairman of the Board of Directors or the Executive Directors:

Names of Committee Members:

  • Mr. Ali Abdulaziz Al-Qatami
  • Mr. Abdullatif Ahmed Al-Senan
  • Mr. Abdullah Mohammed Al-Otaibi

Risk Management Committee:

Develops risk management policies and regulations consistent with the Company's risk appetite. The Board of Directors determines the term of office of the members of the Committee and its modus operandi. The Committee shall be composed of 3 members of the Board of Directors, provided that the Chairman is a non-executive board member. The Chairman of the Board of Directors may not be a member of this Committee.

Names of Committee Members:

  • Mr. Abdullah Mohammed Al-Otaibi
  • Mr. Saad Bandar Al-Lafi
  • Mr. Ali Abdulaziz Al-Qatami